lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Introductory Essay


Have you ever imagine that a girl can do so many things during a day? Most of the people limit only to do only the necessary during their day time, but I am a special case. I like to do many things and my life style is very active, hence I think that your time is that important that you do not have to waste it. Most of my friends think that I am crazy for all the things that I can do in just one day! But I think that all the activities make my life pretty exciting most of the time and as a plus I do not get bored.
When the word “Family” come to my mind I think in trouble, but also in happiness. Everybody knows that it does not exist a perfect family, but always there is something that keeps you happy with them. Hence my family is not a common one, and why? First, because I have a very big family and my brothers and sisters are always in my house and it becomes a chaos because of my nephews and nieces are so mischievous. For that reason my house always is a disaster, but I must say that even when they and I have to include to my brothers in law and my sisters in law make me nuts they do that this words becomes in love.
The people who know me must know all the hobbies that I love to do. As I said, I am a very active person for that reason I do so many things for not getting bored. I have to say that the most important is dance; because I have been dancing since I was 8 hence I feel a huge love for Mexican Folk Dance. Another hobby that I love is swimming. I do not know why but I love the way that water makes me feel when I am in the pool and as a plus is a very complete and healthy sport. Finally, coming back to dancing discipline I am learning Belly Dancing which is wonderful because I love the Muslim religion and the way the women fall in love to their husbands. Hence I do so many activities during the day besides my school and social service, but I love the way my life rhythm is.
Believe it or not mu character is one of the most difficult of the world. Actually, I think that be too honest with the people is not a disadvantage unfortunately not all of them think as I do. I do not like the hypocrisy hence I am pretty sincere and if you were my friend I will tell you the truth no matter what, but also I am very friendly and I enjoy so much to know new people every time that I have the opportunity. My friends say that I am an impulsive girl and sometimes I trend to be aggressive, but is may way to express what big is my happiness or something is bother me. Everybody knows that does not exist a perfect person in the whole universe, but I try to do my best always with all the people that I love because they are the reason of my happiness.

As a conclusion I must say that even when my schedule is full of beautiful activities my life is pretty exciting. Not only for my hobbies or because what I trend to do the most of my free time, also for all the people that is around me and is always there for supporting me when I need it, even when the most of the time make me crazy and make me love them more. My character is a crucial thing in my life because is not a easy one, hence my friends are just the ones that understand my way to be and do not tell me something about it hence I suppose that they really love me.

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