miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008


Although the two are rock bands, they have many differences. THE RAMONES was a rock band that was born in New York City; all members were from New York. The band has four main members, these were Johnny Ramone (guitar), Joey Ramone (vocalist), Dee Dee Ramone (bass), and Tommy Ramone (drums). Sometime later Tommy left the band and C.J. Ramone arrived to play the drums. Dee Dee was the next to left the band the band and he was substituted by Mark Ramone (bass). Johnny was the only guitar man in this band and he died like a Ramone. Joey was another that died like a Ramone. Sometime later Joey died of cancer, Dee Dee died of an overdose and the others died too. In contrast, AC/DC was born in Australia. The band has five main members; those are Angus Young (leader guitar) Malcolm Young (second guitar), Bon Scott (vocalist), Mark Evans (bass) and Phil Rudd (drums). Sometime later, Bon Scott died and he was substituted by Brian Johnson. This band has two guitar men who are the brothers Young. Now all members of this band are alive obviously except bon Scott.
In spite of all differences there are the two best Rock Punk bands.

Food with preservatives could be causes the problem health

Preservatives foods are the main causes of health problems. Preservatives are chemicals in the food that keep the product for a long time. One the damage the chemicals are in the brain, the nervous system, the stomach, and the heart. Another serious affect is cancer in any part of the body or even worst the death. Other people think that each this kind of food is a lifestyle, and they prefer this because it is fast and comfortable; on the other hand, may doctors and specialists say that it is better for people to eat natural food because it prevents illnesses and gives vitamins, proteins and minerals. To sum up preservatives in food give problemsoin people health.

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

Marriages among gays must be legal

Marriages among gays must be legal. The first argument is that are human beings. They have a free way to choose whatever they want. In adittion, they are in love with some the same sex because this their own way to think and believe. Finally, the last argument is that they have the same rights as society in general, then they can be and think about the most convenient for them. the almost people think that it is bad and could be ilegal always because they have a tradition where it isn't well-seen however it must be legal because they have rights like everyone too. For whole it the society in general take care their traditions and preferences.


Genetics is an interesting science and is a big advance for medicine. With genetic manipulations, scientists can improve fruit, vegetables and animals; make them cheaper and more accessible. Another reason is that with the “Genome”, people can foresee illnesses or change the sickness structure for curing people.
But some people believe that Genetics isn’t good, because they say that it could change some human characteristics, also scientists could guess talents and assign a job according to the personal characteristics (even if they don`t like it) or also they can make an identical human copy.
However this has never happened and today exist moral associations that control genetic experiments.
Finally, Genetics is a complex area that with care and ethics will bring a lot of improvement for the human life and the society.

The use of the animal´s skin

People do not have to use animal´s skin for two reasons.
The first is that many times animals are killed when they are in danger of extintion, and hunters do not respect animals.
Another reason is that many hunters kill animals very cruelty, an example of this is the slauhtering whale according to studies published on internet, Japanese people kill many whales that are pregnant; that is cruel, because they can not defend themselves and suffer a lot.
Some people cuold say that animal´s skin is a good adornment, but that is not true because animal´s skin does not more people to look important.
The use animal´s skin is a crime, and we need to respect the animals that are in danger extintion.

Freedom of expression

The Tibet should have freedom of expression. Tibetan people do not have freedom of speech. If they express something against the government they immediately go to jail, so they do not try to express their opinions. In the Tibet there is a bad political regime, the government does not permit the Tibetan to express their points of view. The Chinese government agrees with having them under the regime because they do not want people to express their opinions about how the Chinese government is managing the country. However nobody can be obligated to do things that they do not want to do. For all these reasons, Chinese people must have freedom of expression without affecting others´ opinions.


Although, the legalization of drugs is a very controversial topic, there are here two important points to support this idea. The first and the most important is that all people would stop taking drugs; because it would be legal and they wold not buy drugs just for the fact that they are legal.
Another important point is that there would fewer drug dealers, because they would not have what to sell, in other words, in many places people who sell drugs and this would very common for the all the people.
Some people think that this could be very dangerous, because at the beginning the people would be free and they would use more drugs, but they have not considered that in other countries where drugs are legal the porcent is less of the addicted people.
For these reasons everybody has to support the legalization of drugs. What do you think?


Currently AIDS is very common and it is the main cause of death, and it is caused in the majority of cases by three important reasons. The first and the most iportant is caused by sexual transmition for not using preservatives; according to the ISEA for every 10 people, 8 have AIDS fot this reason; it is very important that you use preservatives, because also you can have other diseases not only AIDS. Another cause is by blood; because in some cases you do not know the origin of the blood that is used, and this can have the virus of AIDS.
Also, many people like tatoos, but they are also another important cause for the transmition of AIDS, because in some places people do not desinfect the needles, and these are used to inject other people that can be infected with the virus of AIDS, it is important that you know the methods of these places.
These are the three main causes for which you can get AIDS.

Infidelity (argumentative)

According to specialists the main causes of Infidelity are monotony and routine. For example if a couple has been together for 4 years but all the time they make the same things they can get bored, men who have an other woman, said that in their girlsfriends did not find the love, stability, comprehension, and the se they needed.
Infidelity begins for these reasons. Statistics, say that men are more unfaithful than women, because men are more unfaithful for nature. I am sure that Infidelity is a bad action, and I am in con because people who suffer Infidelity in occasions, are more insecur when they want to have an other couple. Since they do not believe in the new person and think that they will suffer again.
Besides people who suffer Infidelity are sad, sometimes agressive when they meet other people. But men think that it is okay, because they do not find waht they needed. And other men that they deserve many women but it is no true.
For all these reasons Infidelity is an immoral fact.

Technology (cause-effect)

There are some positive and negative effects of Technology.
First, in communication people write in electronic form, or e-mail, which is away of sending messages from one computer to another. Also, we can using a cellphone o telephone when you need to communicate with other people.
Second, at home life is easier because many families have a computer where children can play and do their homework. Also, many modern machines like: DVD can entertain people, microwave oven can instruct it in the way to cook certain dishes. You can program you electric or gas range, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer.
Third, in medicine there are many positive effects; for instance doctors use X-rays, and other methods of collecting medical information which are based on sound (sonography), temperature (thermograhpy) rdaio waves, radioactive tracers, and so on. But Technology has also negative effects such as when the people become coach potatoes because they do not like to work in a traditional way like to write letters or to cook in a stove. Technology has many consequeces but it can be positive or negative.

Josh Harnett vs Brad Pitt (comparative)

There are some similarities between Josh Harnett vs Brad Pit. First, both are really hansome. For example Josh Harnett is brown, and athletic, tall, his eyes are bian and brown too, Brad Pitt of course is even if he is blond, his face is like a doll, and his body is perfect and I can say his eyes are big and blue.
Like they are attractives as a result both have had different couples. A second way in wich tese two persons are similar is that they are actors, they act very well in their jobs in the same way. Josh and Brad are American, I think tahat they have lived in US ofr all their lives. Josh Harnett and Brad Pitt have some likenesses.

Last Vacation in Puerto Vallarta (narrative)

Last Vacation I stayed in Puerto Vallarta, for me that place was the best.

I traveled with my sister Adriana to Puerto Vallarta, when we arrived to the hotel, the first thing that we did was to put on our bikinis because we were hot. Then, we went to the beach, and walked on the sand, it was good.

After, when we arrived to "El Malecon" we saw sand figures. On the next day, Adriana and I traveled by ship, and we knew other beaches where we swam and went shopping.

Finally, on Sunday the people who worked in "Costa Club" which was the hotel´s name, prepared big dinner to say "Good Bye" and my sister and I prepared our baggage and come back to Aguascalientes.

For me, it was the most important experience and the best place I have ever seen.

Arrange Marriage

Arrange Marriage
Some parents with that tradition believe that an a arrange marriage is more formal and more religious because in their country is very common; however, their children have right to decide with who they want to get married it coud be also a problem because you don’t your mate until the wedding’s days and if you don’t know you mate you cannot love him/her and you have to learn to love. Some people keep doing it because is a tradition, an old fashion, and we are in a new country in which we need to choose our mate.
For those reasons arranged marriages should be banned in the entire world because everybody has the right to be free to decide.

Birth control methods

Birth control methods are very useful. It's a good option to use them since they help to avoid overpopulation in the world and we can live better. In addition, they help to avoid an unwanted
pregnancy in young women, families whith fewer recourses, students and all people who don't have all the necessary things to support a baby.
Moreover, some birh control methods help th prevent sexual transmited diseases (STD), such as condoms which prevent diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea, and others.
Even though, some religions are against those methods, since they are considered like a sin; I think that is a worst sin to have babies and make them unhappy than to decide not to have babies.
So to use birth control methods is essential for livig better.

argumentative paragraph

low -self esteem

Low self esteem causes several effects on people.
First of all, this problem starts when people don't accept themselves because they disagree with their appeareance, and they feel sad. for that reason, later people becom "insecure", since they don't feel able to do many things, for example, in the school, sometimes a student with a low- self esteem doen't participate in classes.After that, they fall in depression and they don't eat, don't study,don't sleep, and they don't have the desire to do anything. Also they can get diseases, such as cancer, anorexia, bulimia, and many more.
Finally, the worst effect is when some people may decide to commit suicide if they don't receive help.
These things are the consequences of having a low-self esteem.

cause and effect paragraph

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2008

Causes/Effects "Fails Exams

Fail Exams

There some causes for that we fail exams. When we are in the school we almost always are tempted to do other things. First of all, we don’t pay attention, because we are thinking in other things. Other popular reason is because we prefer do nothing instead of study. Later in the school in any level we skip classes, since the classes are boring, maybe we feel tired, or simply we follow to others.
For those reasons we fail exams, and because when we facing the exams we are afraid, nervous and so on. A good advice could be: pay attention in yours classes and don’t skip classes.