martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008


Although, the legalization of drugs is a very controversial topic, there are here two important points to support this idea. The first and the most important is that all people would stop taking drugs; because it would be legal and they wold not buy drugs just for the fact that they are legal.
Another important point is that there would fewer drug dealers, because they would not have what to sell, in other words, in many places people who sell drugs and this would very common for the all the people.
Some people think that this could be very dangerous, because at the beginning the people would be free and they would use more drugs, but they have not considered that in other countries where drugs are legal the porcent is less of the addicted people.
For these reasons everybody has to support the legalization of drugs. What do you think?

1 comentario:

kAwAiI aErEo By InDy dijo...

Hi cecy!
I think that your paragraph is ok, but you shuold try to explain more...