martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

Technology (cause-effect)

There are some positive and negative effects of Technology.
First, in communication people write in electronic form, or e-mail, which is away of sending messages from one computer to another. Also, we can using a cellphone o telephone when you need to communicate with other people.
Second, at home life is easier because many families have a computer where children can play and do their homework. Also, many modern machines like: DVD can entertain people, microwave oven can instruct it in the way to cook certain dishes. You can program you electric or gas range, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer.
Third, in medicine there are many positive effects; for instance doctors use X-rays, and other methods of collecting medical information which are based on sound (sonography), temperature (thermograhpy) rdaio waves, radioactive tracers, and so on. But Technology has also negative effects such as when the people become coach potatoes because they do not like to work in a traditional way like to write letters or to cook in a stove. Technology has many consequeces but it can be positive or negative.

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