martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

The use of the animal´s skin

People do not have to use animal´s skin for two reasons.
The first is that many times animals are killed when they are in danger of extintion, and hunters do not respect animals.
Another reason is that many hunters kill animals very cruelty, an example of this is the slauhtering whale according to studies published on internet, Japanese people kill many whales that are pregnant; that is cruel, because they can not defend themselves and suffer a lot.
Some people cuold say that animal´s skin is a good adornment, but that is not true because animal´s skin does not more people to look important.
The use animal´s skin is a crime, and we need to respect the animals that are in danger extintion.

2 comentarios:

kAwAiI aErEo By InDy dijo...

WhAt's Up PoHoLa!
i tHiNk ThAt YoU hAvE iMpRoVeD mUcH, VeRy GoOd...

kAwAiI aErEo By InDy dijo...

WhAt's Up PoHoLa!
i tHiNk ThAt YoU hAvE iMpRoVeD mUcH, VeRy GoOd...