martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008


Currently AIDS is very common and it is the main cause of death, and it is caused in the majority of cases by three important reasons. The first and the most iportant is caused by sexual transmition for not using preservatives; according to the ISEA for every 10 people, 8 have AIDS fot this reason; it is very important that you use preservatives, because also you can have other diseases not only AIDS. Another cause is by blood; because in some cases you do not know the origin of the blood that is used, and this can have the virus of AIDS.
Also, many people like tatoos, but they are also another important cause for the transmition of AIDS, because in some places people do not desinfect the needles, and these are used to inject other people that can be infected with the virus of AIDS, it is important that you know the methods of these places.
These are the three main causes for which you can get AIDS.

1 comentario:

paU!a dijo...

hii seXy!!
you have been improving in writing that when you began, and that is good!!