jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008


I remember that my trip to Acapulco was very funny because I was very happy with my friends for some reasons. My trip to Acapulco with my friends was last July for our graduation, there we went to dance every nigth after dinner, the second day we went on a cruise and I met the mansion of Luis Miguel, after that I rude a banana and jet ski, then I met Thomas and Marco who were from Republica Checa and they were very handsome.
Other day we went to the nigth club where I met Ninel Conde, that nigth club was very expensive.
On the next day, we returned to Aguascalientes, on our way home, we were singing and shouting in the bus, when suddenly the police stopped tha bus because the driver did not have a license. So they took us to jail. At the end the driver paid and we could to our homes. I will always remember my wonderful trip that had a special return.

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