jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

+*-+*-+*** TaCoOsS +*+-*+-*++


When I think of tacos, the charms of them come to my mind, and I think that these are three. Let us begin with the TORTILLA, it comes from the corn, and this pass for a long precess. First important characterisitic is the corn, this is grouned, and is prepared to make the tortilla, this is the most important thing of this meal because without the tortilla, there is no taco.

Next the MEAT is also important, because is what gives the flavor to tacos, and there can be different kinds of tacos like beffsteak, head or tongue.

Finally, but not less important is the SAUCE, is what makes the taco tasty, and this is made with chili, tomatoes, garlic and a little salt. The sauce is the complement of Tacos, because without a good sauce the taco doesn´t taste good.

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