jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

oNe Of tHe wOrSt dAyS iN My LiFe

I studied tourism when I was in high-school; so our teacher asked to have a specific number of practices to guarantee the subject.

When we got to the hotel, we started to do practices and all went well until one day the maid in charge of the hotel rooms asked to talk with my friends and I.

When we finished our activities that day we went to the maid's office thinking that she would give us the compesation that the owner had promised us for doing our tourism practices in her hotel; so we arrived happily to the office, but the maid was serious.

She told us that something important had happened into the hotel: "a robbery".

She told us that she had to defend her hotel's maid and that we we were suspicious to be students and that we could not say this to anyone.

I felt that she wanted to blame us because it was better to do that to blaims her maids.

After that , we went out from the hotel scared but on next day we had to return. After somedays, the recepcionists tol us that the had found the person who robbed; but she did not even apologized. So we finished our practices quickly and we never came back to this hotel, because there we experienceed are of the worst days in our lives.

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