miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008


There are some differences between AAA and CMLL. One important difference is the generation. For example the CMLL is the oldest wrestling company in Mexico, it was born in 1935; on the other hand, the AAA is newer than CMLL, it was born in 1993. Another difference is the ring. The CMLL uses a traditional ring with 4 corners; in contrast, the AAA uses a six-corner ring, personally I prefer the traditional ring. Also they differ in the show. The CMLL is more serious than AAA, because the AAA tells some funny stories, while the CMLL gives a complete wrestling entertainment show, that includes fights on the ring surface and special wrestling movements. Wrestlers are another difference. In the CMLL the wrestlers are technical athletics with a lot of konwledge about wrestling; on the other hand, the AAA wrestlers are bigger and thay have big muscles; altough they know how to fight, the CMLL wrestlers are better. Altough AAA and CMLL have some differences, Ilike both companies.

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