viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008


According with scientists there are some causes fo AIDS. One possible cause is sex without protection. In today's world many couples can be cheated, so this illness has increased in the last decade. One way to prevent AIDS is using condom, other ways are abstinence and try not to have sex with strange people . Anothet cause is the blood transfussions. People who are sick, sometimes need blood for surgeries, so people who don not know that they are infected with AIDS gives their blood and infect healthy people. Also AIDS is caused by tatoos and piercings. In these days tatoos and piercings are in fashion , so many people go to get one. Because of infected instruments, a lot fo people become HIV posotive when they want to get a tatoo or piercing. The mother's milk is another reason. The baby drinks the mother's milk, consequently the baby is infected too, on acount that the mom does not know about her illness. For these causes, scientists consider AIDS as a contagious sickness.

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