viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008


There are some causes why pregnant women decide to abort, the principal causes are three. According doctors and psychologysts, the first reason why women decide to abort is because when a doctor makes them a check up, he finds that the fetus has congenital malformations, so women take the desicion to abort. Another cause is because the baby's father does not want to recognize his act, and he has fear to finsh with his free life; as a result, the mother feels alone and chooses to do it. The final reason is because the baby´s mother is infected with some virus like AIDS or herpes, and she can transmit it to the baby, so the fetus will be born with that disease.
These are the reasons why women decide to do this terrible action when they are pregnant.

1 comentario:

paU!a dijo...

hi Ernesto!!
well i think there are not reason to abort, and women need to accept everything what come.
It is a good topic!!!