domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

The incinerator

The incinerator in San Pancho must not be approved. This investment can have a lot of damages to peolple because it releases many toxic substances which will pollute the environment, so it would cause many illenesses. In addition, it is an expensive investment, it would be better if the money that will be invested, was only used to help peolple.

On the other hand, some people say that it would be a good investment because it can save space for putting the trash; however, as it was mentioned it would cause a lot of damages to the people´s health.

An incinerator isn´t a good choise because it brings a lot of bad harmful effects on people.

2 comentarios:


You paragraph is very explained and clear, your topic is very controversial, I have the same idea that you.
You paragraph have good organization and the other information support the main idea

kAwAiI aErEo By InDy dijo...

I liked yor paragraph, is very ok and I think the same... all for money, nah!