lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

D!fFeReNcEs AnD S!m!lAr!t!eS bEtWeEn TaCoOsS of BeEf-StEaK AnD TaCoOs Al PaStOoR

Exist many differencers and similarities between tacos of beefsteak and tacos al pastor. For example, one difference is the cost, The tacos of beefsteak are more expensive than tacos al pastor, beefsteak tacos cost around $6.00 pesos, and al pastor cost 2 per $6.00 pesos, this is because the quality of the meat. Another difference are the extra ingredients that go with each one, for example, beefsteak tacos are tastier with guacamole sauce, on the other hand al pastor tacos are better with red sauce. Also they have similarities such as the onion, both are good with fried onion !YUMI! and another similarity is of course that both are made with tortilla, and both are delicious. These kinds of tacos have some differences as well as some similarities, but for me the beefsteak tacos are the tastiest in the world.


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