viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008


People must not consume drugs. The first reason is that drugs damageyour health, not only your body, but also your brian has many concequences for taking drugs. you lose the the control of your body. Besides,peolpe who consume drugs forget things and events. In addition your eyes look really bad. the second reason, is that when you consume drugs you feel really bad, and youhave many problems. you are used to feel sad, and alone, for the same reason , yoour family feels the same that you feel. People who consume drugs say that everyone is free to do whatever they want, but it is important they know that it is illegal, and that we should respect ourselves and the people who are around us. for all these reasons, you have to take of not using drugs for feeling good and to be healthy.

1 comentario:

kAwAiI aErEo By InDy dijo...

Hi lIl TiNkEr!
wElL yOuR hOmWeOrK iS oK, bUt YoU nEeD PaY mOrE AtTEnTiON wHwN yOu ArE WrItiNg iT...