martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

"ThE mUsIc's InFlUeNcE On hUmAnS"

Music has always been joined with the human life, even before being born.

The first effects on music is on people's feelings, for example, when you listen to sad music, your emotions start changing without noticing it, and many times you start to remember pieces of your life, or for example a party without music, is not a party.

The second affect is a social behaviour; many teenagers, that have accomplished violent acts, used to listen to heavy music like satanic rock or music with subliminal massages that made them act violent or agressive.

The third effect is on classical music; scientists have found that beautiful music of Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, etc, helps babies when they are into the belly of their mother, to develop and increase the abilities to organize and to learn faster than othersa babies.

For these reasons, we can say that music is a big influence on people's activities and feelings.

1 comentario:

carito dijo...

hi Indy well i think that you paragraph is really good, just try to put it together, and do not diveded in two or three little paragraphs.