sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008

The ITA and UAA Universities in Aguascalientes

Aguascalientes City has two important universities of the high education which have differences. These universities are the (Technological institute of Aguascalientes) known as ITA and the (Autonomous University of Aguascalientes) known as UAA. The first difference are the majors, the ITA has only seven major; nevertheless, the UAA has 48 major. Another difference is the number of the students; the ITA has about 9,000 students, while the UAA has about 15,000 or more. In additional to these differences is the distance as another aspect is the location, the ITA is in the west of the city, while the UAA is in the north of the city. Finally the also difference is the UAA of the campus, the ITA isn’t as big as the UAA, ITA campus has 1.5 square kilometers; however the UAA campus is the 3 square kilometers. To sum up these are most important universities in Aguascalientes.

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