martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

The Insegurity on the streets

Insegurity on the streets has is caused 3 important causes. First, Insegurity has affected our life, because it has increase violence; in this days people is attacked, hit, and so on. It is caused because there is a lot of bandalism; there aren´t enough police officers, consequently people aren´t sure when they go out to the streets. Another really bad caused is the drugaddiction; it is caused by bad communication in the family in fact, young people want to be understood and they finish meeting bad influences. All this situations cause that people deside to move to other place because they can´t live without worries in a place with a lot of insegurity.

We don´t live with freedom any more, we always have to be careful. Somebody should do something to stop this situation.

1 comentario:


Excelent paragraph, you have good organization and your supporting details are clear.
