lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

To be single is better that to be married for some important aspects. The first point is the time; when you are single you have more time and you can go to parties or watch soccer games every weekend with your friends; in contrast when you are married you have to go to your mother -in- low's house, and to the church to listen to the mass every Sunday with your family. Other important difference is the money, because when you are single you can save more money because you don't need to buy food, clothes for the children, etc; however when you are married you need to buy a house, clothes, food, etc. Finally the most important aspect is the responsability, when you are single you have less responsability with the society and with your family; but when you are married you have many responsabilities with the society and you family.
For these important points, it is better to be single that to be married, what do you think?

1 comentario:

Carlos Romero dijo...

Your paragraph is very explained. Congratulations Cecy.

What do I think about single vs married?
What a question... It is better to stay single!